Thursday, April 24, 2008

Last Night

hey everyone!

have you ever gone home and wanted to sleep so badly then something on TV kept you awake till god knows what time? well, it happened to me last night :P

so, i wasnt feeling too happy yesterday, and all i wanted to do was go home and get some much needed rest. when i got home i turned on the TV and waited for something good to come on... i mean seriously, i can only take so much of david letterman and his lame ass jokes. anyway, i was tired of waiting for something good to show so i checked my trusty Nickelodeon :P i love nick, dont you? anwyay, so i watched what
ever was showing -- hmm, i dont remember what was showing... well, somehow i ended up watching The Disney Channel. I LOVE DISNEY. 

i super remembered nica, ikat and cheska -- just cause its the disney channel, i mean, c'mon what is more nica, ikat and cheska than disney?? anyway, guess what was showing?? THATS SO RAVEN!!! woohoo!!! this was at like 1230 - 1 ish? and so i finished and told myself its time to sleep but OH NO!!! it was LIZZIE MCGUIRE after!!! so i watched that too, god knows what time i slept. maybe thats why this entry is so lame, i'm so used to sleeping at like 11 my brain is somewhere else today :P

don't you think Gourdo reminds you of Javi Reyes?
 i mean think about it... do you remember that episode where he was too short to go out with some girl and he got super depressed? doesn't that just scream javi? hahaha anyway, these are the things that run through my head at 2 in the morning so, I'm sorry if its weird. haha. I miss Ingga Alcala! i miss her 'thats so ingga days' :P haha first year was so much fun. 

i feel bad cause I'm probably going to read this later and regret ever posting it :P haha i hope you enjoyed my soupy-ness :P 

-- mart


Nica said...

MART! Youre so cute! Disney reminds you of me? I feel very special :)

I do get what you meant about staying up late at night watching TV when all you want to do is rest & sleep. I get that alot. I always end up watching documentions on bears, iguanas & other animals on animal planet or discovery. Its nice to watch though. Try it next time :)

alex said...

mart penpal! :) everyone has blogger na hahaha i love your disney entry..i actually stayed up one night after you made me kwento :))

abe. said...

haha! gourdo and javi! that is sooo true except he already found someone who's actually shorter than him now. good for him. ((: about the whole late night TV thing... that actually happened to me last night. i slept at 5 in the morning cause i was watching fox crime. there was this show that talked about this couple who got left behind by this boat while they were diving and they never found them again. god, i just love that channel. (:

ikat said...

Haha! I agree with you, Mart. Disney reminds me of Che and Nica too! Our endless escapades making songs to the tunes of Walt Disney movies are unforgettable! Especially the ones during 3rd year. XD

I've had similar late night experiences except that i read instead of watching tv. i'm a nerd like that. haha!

miss you mart! <3

martina said...

i love you guys for commenting :) and abe, at least javi has someone shorter than him... fricking gourdo ends up with LIZZIE! i mean, seriously? hahaha